RRSP or TFSA: Choosing the Right Option for Your Savings

Dive into the world of TFSA vs. RRSP with our blog! We'll simplify the differences and show you how each can help you save big on taxes. Let's make investing fun and rewarding – join us and take charge of your financial future today!

4/8/20245 min read

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The Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) and the Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) are two gifts you can only find in Canada which can be tremendously helpful on your journey to gain financial freedom. The most important thing we need to understand is that you can hold your investments such as individual stocks, exchange traded funds, mutual funds etc. in both TFSA and RRSP, despite them being called as "Savings Accounts" and that's where the real benefit comes from. These accounts let your investment grow tax free with a major difference that on TFSA you don't need to pay any taxes upon withdrawal, however, for RRSP the tax is deferred until the withdrawal. Let's understand the difference between the two.

What is Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)?

As the name suggests RRSP is a type of savings account meant for retirement, so think of keeping money aside for a long time for your retirement years. You fund your TFSA with pre tax dollars. Here's how it works:

  • Tax benefit: By putting money into an RRSP, you can reduce how much tax you pay that year. Example - You earn $50K, and you contribute $5K to RRSP, then you only pay tax on $45K.

  • No taxes for now: The money you put into an RRSP grows over time, and you don't pay any taxes on it until you withdraw it. So from the above example, if your $5K can keep on growing and grows to $50K, but you don't need to worry about taxes until you decide to withdraw it.

  • Limitations: There are some limits to how much you can contribute to an RRSP each year. Make sure to check the current limits set by the government.

Benefits of an RRSP

Now that you understand the basics, let's explore the benefits of having an RRSP:

  • Long-term savings: An RRSP is designed for the longer horizon i.e. to help you save for retirement. By contributing regularly to your RRSP, you can build a substantial amount for your golden retirement years.

  • Tax advantages: As mentioned earlier, contributing to an RRSP can reduce your taxable income upfront. This means you'll pay less tax in the year you contribute, giving you more money to invest and grow.

  • Compound growth: The money you contribute to an RRSP has the potential to grow over time through compound interest. This means that not only does your initial investment grow, but the earnings on that investment also generate more earnings. The longer you keep your money in an RRSP, the more it can grow.

  • Flexibility: While RRSPs are primarily meant for retirement savings, there are some instances where you can withdraw funds without penalty. For example, you can use the Home Buyers' Plan to withdraw money from your RRSP to buy your first home.

What is Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA)?

TFSA is another type of savings account that offers different benefits. You fund your TFSA with after tax dollars. Here's what you need to know:

  • Tax-free growth: Unlike an RRSP, you don't get upfront tax break on the money you contribute to a TFSA. You contribute with your after you have already paid taxes on your income. However, you don't need to pay any taxes any earnings or growth within the account are tax-free. This means that when you withdraw money from a TFSA, you won't have to pay any taxes on the amount you've earned.

  • Flexibility: TFSAs offer more flexibility when it comes to accessing your funds. Unlike an RRSP, you can withdraw money from a TFSA at any time without penalty. This makes TFSAs a great option for short-term savings goals, emergencies, or unexpected expenses.

  • Carry-over contribution room: If you don't use all of your TFSA contribution room in a given year, the unused amount carries over to the next year. This means that if you haven't contributed to a TFSA in the past, you can catch up and contribute a larger sum in the future.

Benefits of a TFSA

Now that you understand how TFSAs work, let's explore the benefits of having a TFSA:

  • Flexibility: TFSA is more flexible than RRSP. Whether you need money for a vacation, a down payment on a home, or unexpected expenses, you can withdraw from your TFSA without penalty.

  • Tax-free earnings: TFSA provides tax-free growth. This means that any earnings or interest you make on your investments are not subject to taxes. This can be especially beneficial if you expect your income to increase in the future, as you won't have to pay taxes on the earnings when you withdraw them.

  • Short-term savings goals: TFSAs are a great option if you have short-term savings goals, such as saving for a vacation or a down payment on a home. The flexibility and tax-free growth make TFSAs a smart choice for these types of goals.

Which One is Right for You?

Now the million dollar question is which one is good for you? The answer depends on your individual financial goals and circumstances. Few points you can consider while deciding as below

  • Current vs Retirement Income: if you earn a higher income now and expect your income to be lower in retirement then contributing in RRSP can save you significant amount of tax. You would get upfront benefit from tax while making contribution, and in retirement you will have to pay lower taxes when you withdraw from your RRSP, that spread in tax benefit could be significant due to lower tax bracket in retirement. for a reference, If I am earning more than $50K annually, I would contribute to RRSP first as higher the income bigger the tax benefit in RRSP at time of contribution.

  • Time Horizon and Flexibility: Another important point to consider is when would you need those funds. As mentioned earlier, TFSA provides more flexibility if we need to withdraw funds as there is no tax penalty when we withdraw funds. However, lets say you are in 40% tax bracket and you withdraw $10K from RRSP then you will have to pay $4K in taxes. TFSAs are a great option if you have short-term savings goals, such as saving for a vacation or a down payment on a home. The flexibility and tax-free growth make TFSAs a smart choice for these types of goals.

It's also worth noting that you don't have to choose between the two. If you have the financial means, you can contribute to both an RRSP and a TFSA. This allows you to take advantage of the benefits of both types of accounts and diversify your savings. For example, you can buy US dividend stocks in RRSP and then avoid 15% withholding tax, whereas buy your growth stocks in TFSA and enjoy the tax free growth.


In the end, whether you choose an RRSP or a TFSA, the most important thing is to start saving for your future. Both accounts offer unique benefits and can help you achieve your financial goals. Consider your individual circumstances, consult with a financial advisor if needed, and make a plan that works best for you.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this blog is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. I am not a licensed financial advisor, and the content shared here reflects my personal opinions and experiences. Before making any financial decisions, readers are encouraged to consult with a qualified professional who can assess their individual circumstances and provide personalized advice.